
What we do

Our mission is to empower Kiwis from all walks of life to get involved with the Predator Free 2050 mission. We have experienced firsthand the pain of wanting to help out, but not knowing how to do it, or even how to get started. We want to make it easy for you to get involved and help make New Zealand predator free.

Use our platform to find a group near you that needs support. Give a trap to the group and we'll organise the supply and delivery of the trap directly to the group. We'll keep an eye on the process to ensure everything goes smoothly. Once the group receive your gift, they'll put it to work.

Any gift you make through Give a Trap is used to cover the cost of purchasing the selected trap, shipping it to your nominated group, and a very small contribution goes towards the costs of running the platform.


Our story

Penny Willocks, adventure-racer, traveller, tramper, Radiation Therapist, and friend to many people around the world, was committed to doing the right thing. Sadly, her life was cut short due to illness. As part of her bequest she wanted to give a significant amount of money to a Predator-Free group.

While we were working out what group to give the bequest to, we reflected on how hard it was to buy traps and give them to a group, yet there were lots of groups looking for support.

So Penny's thinking went from giving to a group, to setting up a way for people who believed in the Predator-Free 2050 challenge but were not in a position to set and monitor traps themselves to contribute to the cause.

When Penny passed away we sent out a message 'Don't send flowers, buy a predator trap'. The response was 'Love to but what do we do with it once we have it?' So it was that flowers and traps turned into money and support. The response was overwhelming. People got excited about the possibilities and how they could contribute.

Fast forward to today we have put her vision into practice. Give a Trap® because getting rid of predators is the right thing to do – Penny would be chuffed with your support.

Our birds need you!

Our native species are relying on US to take ACTION, NOW! Before it's too late.

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Forest & Bird is a registered charitable entity in terms of the Charities Act 2005. Registration No. CC26943.
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