Our birds need you!

Give a trap & be part of making Aotearoa predator-free by 2050

Give a Trap

The Predator Free 2050 mission

Imagine an Aotearoa New Zealand where our native wildlife are free to once again flourish. A landscape once again filled with beautiful birdsong and a revitalised ecosystem of our uniquely New Zealand flora and fauna. It's a beautiful vision isn't it?

The problem

The Predator Free 2050 vision is seeing many community groups across the country taking up the challenge of trapping pests in their local area.

These groups are making a huge impact… but they struggle to get funding for all the traps they need.

They need more traps!

How you can help

Many of us would like to help, but we don't know how. That's where we come in. Give a Trap® is all about connecting people that want to help, with the people that need it.

The question is, do you give a trap?

Give a trap as a gift

You can Give a Trap on behalf of someone else. We'll send you a personalised gift e-certificate with the details of your donation which you can print off or email on to the person you would like to gift it to.

How Give a Trap® works

Use our platform to find a group near you that needs support. Give a trap to the group and we'll organise the supply and delivery of the trap directly to the group. We'll keep an eye on the process to ensure everything goes smoothly. Once the group receive your gift, they'll put it to work and may send you updates on their progress through our platform.

How it works

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Our birds need you!

Our native species are relying on US to take ACTION, NOW! Before it's too late.

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Forest & Bird is a registered charitable entity in terms of the Charities Act 2005. Registration No. CC26943.
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